
Liebster Award.


After finally packing the last box (thank goodness!) I decided to have a quick look at wordpress to catch up with some posts I missed this morning and I had a lovely surprise from the lovely Laura (owner of Sweets and Styles). She has nominated me for the Liebster Award!

I am super excited – this has really made my day and I’m so grateful to her for thinking of me and my blog. Her lovely blog is a great read – go and check it out!! Here’s the link one more time in case you missed it!


The Rules of the Liebster Award:

  1. Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
  2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
  4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them

Here are my nominees:











I enjoy reading every single one of these blogs and they provide me with inspiration for my own as well as being very supportive of tiamoinfinity by liking my posts and often leaving comments. I have to say that I think this award is lovely for new bloggers and to help build up a community.

Here are the questions I put to my nominees:

1. If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

2. I’m a lover of books. What is the best thing you have ever read?

3. What has been your worst purchase this year and why?

4. Who is your biggest inspiration?

5. What item of clothing makes you feel really beautiful and sexy?

6. If you could choose to have dinner with any person in the world who would it be?

7. What is your favourite product you currently use and where can I get it?!

8. If you had the opportunity to go up into space would you take it?

9. If you could go back and visit a younger version of yourself what advice would you give them (well, you!)

10. Do you have any wise words of encouragement for other new bloggers?

So there you have it!! I look forward to reading your answers!! And now it’s my turn to answer the questions asked by Laura (sweetsandstyles).

1. Do you prefer a relaxing vacation in Hawaii or a cool city trip in a city like New York?

I would have to say a relaxing holiday! I live in the city myself so a holiday is an opportunity for me to de stress and lounge about reading books all day!! I have to say however, that I have never visited America and New York is definitely on my ‘to visit’ list!

2. Which name would you like to have if you were a boy?

Well this is something I have never thought about! I would have to say Harry. It’s quite traditional (and royal!) but without sounding snobby or too posh. It’s a cool guys name.

3. What is your dream job?

My dream job would be Acting. I trained as an actor before qualifying as a teacher and I love being on stage. The trouble is that it doesn’t pay the bills and the chances of having steady work is very slim. Having said that, I have always wanted to be a teacher and I love how rewarding it is. I am excited to meet my new class in September and to jump right in to the world of work!!

4. If youโ€™re only allowed to use one make-up product (foundation, lipstick, mascara, etc.) the rest of the year, what product would you choose?

Wow, this is a mean question! Every time I think I have my final answer I start arguing with myself! I think it would have to be mascara. The eyes are the window to the soul as they say and defining them can only be a good thing! You could also cheat a little (if you are creative!) and use it to create a smokey eye look for night time!!

5. What is your all-time favorite fashion store?

I LOVE H&M and wear their clothes all the time. I think they are a great all rounder, you can find professional work wear, high end fashion items, great basic peices and their accessories and beauty products are fantastic! All this at reasonable prices. Who can complain about that?!

6. Which celebrity do you think has the best style?

This is a tricky one for me as I can’t say I keep up with the celebrity world that much! I think Kate Middleton would have to be my number one however. She always looks classy and stylish and her red carpet gowns are always to die for! Plus, she’s a wonderful woman who rocks at making the royal family more modern and fashionable!

7. If you had the time and money to go to any place in the world, where would you go to?

Probably America. I have never been and would love to visit New York, Florida, Washington, Hawaii and so many other places!! It would take me a good 2 months to visit everywhere I think!

8. Can you name one of the best things that happened to you this year?

I qualified as a teacher and landed a job in a fantastic school!

9. What is your favorite TV series?

Downton Abbey is my one true TV love!!

10. What do you like more : Pizza or Chocolate?

Easy Peasy. Pizza!!! I’m not a massive chocolate fan, but Pizza I eat at least once a week!

So there you go. Once again, I’m super happy to have been nominated for this award. Thank you to everyone who visits, reads, comments, likes and follows! Blogging has become a great way for me to de-stress in my busy lifestyle and to connect with some lovely people around the world!! I’m off to bed now before a busy day moving house tomorrow!

All my love,

Ti Amo x

7 thoughts on “Liebster Award.

  1. Aww HUGE thanks…. it’s really nice when others appreciate what you do. I’m really honored. Best of luck with your blog, you’re doing a great job… now following ๐Ÿ™‚ Libby x

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